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How do I apply?To apply for the salt program follow the following steps. 1. Fill out the online application Go to the Salt Program page Click on the icion that says "Apply Now" above it This will take you to the online application 2. Email your resume and references to 3. Have your pastor or a church elder fill out a reference form. 4. Authorize CBF to run a Background Check. ***Please Note: A background check is required to be filled out for any applicant's application to be considered complete***
What's a Background Check?A background check is a investigation of public records that we utilize to ensure our staff and volunteers do not have a history that would compromise their ability to function in roles within our ministry. It must be completed before any participant in SALT is allowed to participate in SALT.
When can I enroll?SALT has rolling admissions, so anytime is the right time to apply.
What about cost?The cost of the training is significantly lower than tuition at a 4 year institution, and includes housing, meals and education materials. For those unable to make a full payment before starting, we will help them apply for outside employment in order to enable them to complete the program debt-free. Click Here For Financial Information
Am I Eligible?Due to the nature and goals of SALT, we require all participants to be: A Professing Christian 18 or Older Growing in their Faith and Knowledge of Christ Active in a Church Ministry Willing to Attend weekly Discipleship and Mentoring Meetings Able to provide a Pastoral Recommendation Willing to Submit to a Background Check If you meet all the requirements then you are ready to Apply.
Will I recieve a degree?Upon completion of the curriculum, students will earn a: Certificate of Leadership Studies from the Urban Ministry Institute Courses may also be applied as credit hours towards degree programs at various Bible schools and seminaries across the country.
Who will accept my course credits?The Following is an Abridged List of Schools TUMI has formed Strategic Partnerships with: Who will accept my course credits? Tabor College, Associate of Arts degree in Urban Ministry Tabor College is partnering with TUMI to use Capstone as the basis of its AA degree in Urban Ministry Lancaster Bible College Lancaster College is partnering with TUMI to provide credit for Capstone courses at Lancaster Houston Graduate School of Theology Up until recently, Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis served as adjunct faculty member of Houston Graduate School of Theology and taught doctoral fellows in their Doctor of Ministry Degree Program Hope International University The Urban Ministry Institute has formed a strategic partnership with Hope International University by which students can receive graduate credit for the four Urban Mission modules of the Capstone curriculum
Where will I live?Children’s Bible Fellowship will provide on-campus housing during your time in the program.
What will my schedule look like?Ministry work requires a great amount of daily flexibility so your specific schedule will be need-based. During the week, you will be expected to spend time completing coursework, planning for camp, aiding our urban ministry team and partaking in outside employment options.
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